nnmarie is a lifelong resident of the south side of Chicago where she lives with her partner, two dogs, and two sons. She works on a Mobile Crisis Response team. She is a graduate of New England College’s MFA program in Henniker, New Hampshire. Her work has appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Sixth Finch, Juked, Room Magazine, Verse Daily, Slipstream, SOFTBLOW, Vinyl Poetry, Thrush, Escape Into Life, 2River View and other journals. Annmarie’s first chapbook Her Last Cup of Light was published by Aldrich Press in 2013. Her first full-length collection of poems, Your Immaculate Heart, was released with Trio House Press in 2016. Her fifth chapbook 63rd Street Devotional was published with Voice Lux in 2017. GLOCK is her second, full-length work.