We are a literary publisher of poetry, novels, short stories, and general creative non-fiction with a focus on memoir and essays. We also produce audiobooks, literary translations into English, and some original works in foreign languages, especially in our ever growing series of classics.

It’s the press’s theme. The Pierian Spring is sacred to the nine Muses—who posses and inspire all knowledge of the arts and sciences.

As Alexandre Pope wrote in 1711 in An Essay On Criticism: “A little learning is a dangerous thing. Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring; There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.”

New Voices is the focus of the press. We engage with literary authors to publish their work. This is the primary purpose of the press, to publish new literature by both established and emerging writers.

A second focus of the press is to print beautifully designed, highly readable editions of classics by famous authors. Each Pierian Classics edition contains footnotes of difficult words, a readers guide with summary, questions, and references for further reading. These editions are intended for students, book clubs, and all lovers of fine literature.

We are genre agnostic in that any work of literary merit is of interest to us. Yet our focus remains on literary works. We are also interested in academic work with a literary focus and works in translation.

We distribute globally via Ingram’s catalog, Amazon, and other select partners for speciality book distribution requirements.

We are a literary publisher of poetry, novels, short stories, and general creative non-fiction with a focus on memoir and essays. We also produce audiobooks, literary translations into English, and some original works in foreign languages, especially in our ever growing series of classics.

We are a literary publisher of poetry, novels, short stories, and creative non-fiction with a focus on memoir and essays. We produce audiobooks, literary translations into English, and original works in their native language. 

Yes. We publish all new works in hardback editions. Too few presses today publish hardbacks with full dust jackets, especially editions of poetry. Collectors and libraries prefer hardbacks because of their durability and classic appeal. Nothing replaces the solidity and feel of a hardback.

Yes. We encourage all our authors to work with us in getting out audiobook editions of their work.

Certainly! If you are a literary agent, then you are most welcome to approach our press with a book proposal. Please do an initial contact using the Form on our website.

Digital books seem enticing: a digital good with zero shipping costs and instant delivery. But e-books may easily be copied off-line and end up pilfered. Would you want your hard work up for free download on a pirate site? Via CLMP, Author’s Guild, IBPA, and ALLi, we advocate diversity, author rights, anti book bans, and fight IP theft.